Genre Analysis

Family: Genre Analysis of an Article and a You-tube Video


Various institutions have been created to provide aid and relief for people and communities. Women’s organizations, worker’s unions, community outreach programs, and shelters are all examples of discourse communities an individual may belong to.  Schools and churches are among some of the institutions known to shape and develop a person, but what about a family? The family is usually the first discourse community a person will belong to, this family will set the foundation for that individual’s life and be the first to provide all of its basic needs. The notion of a family however is deeper than its role as an institution. Is it the emotions connected to a family that is so important? Today the definition of a family and its role in a community is being challenged and explored. The religious article, The Family: A Proclamation to the World, written by The First Presidency and Council of The Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, attempts to inform its readers of the purpose of a family and its duties to family members, and communities. The You-Tube video, The New Normal, posted by, nbcTheNewNormal, is a TV trailer for the new NBC sitcom The New Normal. The video uses fictional characters to promote families with single mothers and homosexual parents as the new normal. Both genres will be compared and contrasted by analyzing purpose, rhetoric, structure, and style. 

Audience and Purpose

            Based on the title of the article, The Family: A Proclamation to the World, the reader instantly identifies the intended audience as the world. This means the article is intended to reach every inhabitant, young and old, of the earth able to understand its message.  Before reading this article the audience will know that it was published by a religious organization, because the only ways to come in contact with this article is through church literature, websites, missionaries, members, or leaders. The fact that it is a religious article is also made known by the names of the authors which also contain the name of the church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The audience might want to what the church believes a family is. The main purpose of the article is to inform the audience of God’s definition of a family. The article was also created to persuade all readers to “promote those measures designed to maintain and strengthen the family as the fundamental unit of society.” (The First Presidency and Council of The Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1995, para. 9) The article was not created to entertain.  The audience will have an unlimited amount of time to read the text. The article may be read various times allowing an unlimited time to study and process the presented information.

The intended audience for the You-tube video is adults with unusual circumstances in the home such as single or same-sex parents. The show is not strictly for adults, but is definitely more mature material than a cartoon.  The trailer contains different families with different situations which can appeal to all kinds of people. Due to the fact that the video is trying to sell the notion of new and normal families the intended audience is not only an empathetic family but individuals who might not yet accept these families as the new normal. The goal of this video is to shed new light on what may have previously been considered unusual families. The trailer achieves its purpose to persuade views of the new normal by entertainment.  First, the audience will be able to recognize that this video is a trailer is for a TV show because of the NBC logo which is a widely known television station, as well as the fact that the video provides the viewers with the air time and date of the show. The audience can most likely infer that the show will contain fictional characters with intention of capturing real life because it is a TV show. Perhaps the audience would be curious to know just how life-like the show really is. The trailer beings by asking about families, the audience will immediately know it is about families, specifically a single mother and her mother, and a homosexual couple. Viewers want to find out how these families function in today’s modern society. The title of the show this trailer promotes is called The New Normal, given this information the audience can infer the show will be about something modern that was once considered abnormal. The audience might also want to know what the new normal is, why it is now considered normal, and how it evolved to be so. The trailer itself is thirty seconds long. The audience will have the full thirty seconds to analyze and process the sound, text and images given to them. The audience may choose to watch less of the trailer but not more, forcing every second of the trailer to convey important aspects of the show. Important images include the male homosexual couple together, and the mother and her child. Important spoken word includes the men wanting to have children and the grandmother exclaiming how so loves homosexuals.   

Rhetorical Issues: Ethos, Pathos, Logos

            The article establishes credibility by stating the authors of this proclamation. The reader can see that the president of the organization and his council have written and approved this message. Further research of these men establishes more credibility; these men all contain various degrees and may be considered successful in their careers and personal family life. All of these men can be found upholding the standards they have written about, thus establishing credibility by actually practicing what they preach. If their actions were to be found contrary to their teachings they would be stripped of their ethos. These men also contain credibility based on the virtue of their authority as Prophets, Apostles and Auxiliary Officers in their church. A scriptural reference and citation is found within this article, and can be validated with the King James Version of the Bible. The desired emotions from this genre are love, comfort, and a sense of duty. The article explains the roles of each family member with words such as love, support, progress, work, righteousness, and eternal. “The divine plan of happiness enables family relationships to be perpetuated beyond the grave. Sacred ordinances and covenants available in holy temples make it possible for individuals to return to the presence of God and for families to be united eternally.”  (The First Presidency and Council of The Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1995, para. 3) The previous quote attempts to make the reader feel joy and strength in the family unit. The article also gives the following warning, “We warn that individuals who violate covenants of chastity, who abuse their spouse or offspring, or who fail to fulfill family responsibilities will one day stand accountable before God. Further we warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets.” (The First Presidency and Council of The Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1995, para. 8)  This evokes fear. When the reader is called upon, he or she may feel the urgency to act.  No other evidence is given or cited within this article.  The article was organized to show the elements and structure of the family. First, the article mentions marriage and family in God’s plan. Second, the article talks about all human beings and their role as individuals, and then the article explains how individuals and families are a part of God’s plan. Fourth, information is given on the commandment to procreate; fifth the article stresses the importance of all life. The sixth paragraph explains the duties of husband and wife as the head of the family and then the roles of all family members. After informing and persuading readers of the sanctity of the family and the specific guidelines in God’s plan, the article then produces a warning to all individuals and communities who seek to pervert a family, this shows the issues at hand. Last, the authors give a call to action attempting to have readers not only understand a family but act upon what they have read.

This You-tube video lacks strong credibility because the show is based on fictional characters and scenarios, but does not necessarily need ethos since it is a fictional series designed to entertain. In order to gain credibility the script writer and directors based their show on research and current social issues. There is no evidence to support their claims of what is normal. Segments of love and support are shown throughout the trailer. These feel good scenes try to depict a happy family and support the notion of diverse families being the new normal. The trailer attempts to evoke two strong emotions from its viewers, love and joy. The mother is shown embracing her daughter then saying, “I need a way to change my daughter’s life.” (nbcTheNewNormal, 2012, sec. 6) This makes the audience feel love. The mother and child are also shown laughing, evoking joy. Humor plays a major role in this trailer, the grandmother’s outrageous comments such as, “I feel like I just ate a Black and Gay stew” (nbcTheNewNormal, 2012), might make the audience laugh and perhaps identify with her character.  The video uses logic to strategically organize the delivery of its message. First, there is music that is catchy and uplifting. Then a question is asked, “What makes a family?” (nbcTheNewNormal, 2012, sec. 0-2) Within a few seconds into the trailer the viewers already feel positive about families setting them up to more readily except any answer to the question. Then the trailer gives clues such as: a mother, a grandmother, and two fathers. They portray each as happy and intelligent. Some viewers might laugh while others with strong religious beliefs might not find any humor in this video. At this point the audience should want to know more about the show. The video then informs the viewers of the title of the show there for giving the definition of the word (or phrase) before the word. Had the title the new normal gone first viewers would automatically think of what is considered normal, with the title last the viewers instantly think of normal as a mother, grandmother, and two fathers.


            The structure builds on what and how a family should be. It successfully relates the fundamentals in the family unit with certainty. The beliefs and standards of the family from this religious organization are proclaimed, not suggested or questioned. A very solid testimony of families is formed and defended. The very first thing you will see on the article is the title, The Family. It is the largest text on the page at the very top. Underneath, the text a proclamation to the world is smaller than the family, but still large. Third in size and order the authors of this article are found. The article is then organized with a line in the middle of the page and small paragraphs meant to be read from top to bottom, left to right. All of the paragraphs begin with the topic of the paragraph bolded and the very first letter larger in size, creating attractive and attention getting words. Although the article is one page, readers may lose interest and choose not to finish the article. In order to keep readers from doing this, only the most important information is presented and all other information must be researched further. This genre is also limited to strictly text. No images or sounds can be used to catch and keep a reader’s attention. This genre is very accessible because it can be found in physical materials such as books, pamphlets, pass along cards, magazines, etc., it can also be found on the internet through all types of technology. This makes the article readily accessible to both religious and non-religious people.  

 The structure of the You-tube video is an important way to make sure viewers want to watch the show. The organization of the trailer gives the creator control over what the viewer’s think, feel, hear, and see. Without structure the creator would not be able to produce his/her desired results. The trailer is meant to capture the viewer’s attention, make them want to watch the show, all while slipping in the message that a single mother, a grandmother, and two dads is a normal family. Throughout the trailer the color blue is used often creating a peaceful or happy feeling. The various shades of blue are all bright and grab the viewer’s attention. The big white lettering against the blue background makes slides easy to read with limited time. All of the characters are attractive, and carefully dressed to represent who they are. Simply by noticing the outfits the audience might be able to deduce what that character may act like. All of the environments in the trailer are either sets or actual places; both are meant to make the audience feel a real life connection to the show. There are limitations placed on the information because of the genre. This genre is only thirty seconds and may use less, but no more time to relate its message. The time limit also limits the story line, only crucial points and images can be used to quickly tell a complete story. Although there is little time to process the information, any number of the images or words shown/said can be stored into the human mind very quickly. A funny phrase or bright bow ties are all details that stick out allowing a viewer to remember and be reminded of the trailer very easily. Even the same shade of blue may trigger a connection between reality and the TV show. This genre can be accessed by many means but only of those that pertain to media such as, TV, phones, computers, and iPods.

Style and Language

            The language found in the article is very formal. It resembles an academic format with an authoritative tone. The language is meant to be clear and concise, no slang or casual conversational language is used. This article contains specialized terms such as: apostles, commandments, and covenants. All of these words can be found in a dictionary but are more commonly understood in a religious discourse community. All other words in this article pertain to everyday communities with and without religious affiliation.

    The language in the video is slightly mature as it uses grandmother instead of grandma and contains words such as bigot. It is still a degree casual when a doctor uses the term bio dad instead of biological father. The language is not one as formal as scientific or academic speeches, but is considered more formal than a personal letter or a text message. The language is set as intelligent casual because of the audience. The audience must be able to understand and identify with what is being said. If the characters were depicted as unintelligent based on their language the video would fail to persuade the audience that homosexuals are normal and equal human beings. There is no specialized vocabulary in the trailer.


Both the article and the video contain strong points and weaknesses because of their genre. The article concentrated more on informing, and the video entertaining. The two genres managed to achieve their main goals successfully. However the video message was not as straightforward as the article and because of its genre contained more limitations on information than the article. The advocating of Families was done more effectively by the article because this genre was able to provide its reader with candid information and opinions whereas the video could only provide a subliminal message while entertaining in a limited amount of time.





The First Presidency and Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (1995). Proceedings from the General Relief Society Meeting September 23, 1995: The Family: A Proclamation to the World. Salt Lake City, Utah.
NBCTheNewNormal. (Producer). (2012). The New Normal-Promo:30[Web]. Available from

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